A black hole scientist proposes the universe might exist fully contained within a black hole which demands astronomers to perform a comprehensive reexamination of their understanding.
Research conducted by scientists implies the whole cosmos might actually exist inside a black hole so astronomers worldwide now need to reevaluate their astronomical understanding.

Kansas State University researcher presented groundbreaking conclusions about how the cosmos could reside inside a black hole structure.
Associate Professor Lior Shamir conducted an analysis using data acquired by the NASA James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to develop this idea.
Since its European Spaceport in French Guiana launch in 2021 the revolutionary telescope has delivered groundbreaking information about celestial bodies spanning from planets to stars to distant galaxies.
Since its launch JWST gave humanity unprecedented access to the most distant parts of space which revealed amazing images that previous instruments could not achieve.

Shamir conducted a thorough examination of galaxy rotations using JADES images from JWST by applying its advanced technology.
The results produced by his study have mystified both scientists and researchers across the field.
From 263 analyzed galaxies Shamir found that two-thirds exerted clockwise rotation while only one-third showed counterclockwise rotation.
This disproportional distribution opposes standard cosmic beliefs since these theories expect equal rotational patterns between clockwise and counterclockwise motions.

“The difference is so obvious,” Shamir stated, emphasizing that the JWST’s superior technology makes these disparities visible even to casual observers.
“Anyone looking at the images can clearly see the anomaly without needing specialized knowledge.”
The remarkable discovery has led Shamir to suggest two possible explanations which scientists must solve.
One compelling theory posits that the universe itself was born in a state of rotation—a groundbreaking concept that aligns with “black hole cosmology,” a model suggesting our universe is actually located inside a black hole.

Dr. Nikodem Poplawski from the University of New Haven declared his backing of this astonishing scientific hypothesis.
Poplawski described Shamir’s interpretation as the simplest and most elegant explanation, noting that our universe’s rotation might mirror the axis rotation inherited from a “parent” black hole.
Shamir presents a different hypothesis which connects to movements of our Milky Way.
The Doppler Shift creates visual distortions affecting galaxies moving in a specific direction which affects observational measurements.

Shamir believes it is essential to adjust astronomical distance measurements even if scientists cannot determine which of the theories correctly explains the anomalies in the universe.
A new measurement system would resolve years-long cosmic enigmas that challenge astronomers about how we estimate universal growth rates and why galaxies appear older than our cosmos.
The broader consequences of Shamir’s statement about cosmic measurements present themselves as the most shocking thing about his claim.
The correctness of his hypothesis could explain our universe as situated deep within an enormous black hole which would redefine human knowledge about cosmic existence.
Feature Image Credit: (NASA) and (CanvaPro)