The medical condition Michael Phillips has faced caused him to battle against social stereotypes about masculinity. His life represents a story about perseverance while he accepts himself and leads activism for others who endure comparable challenges.
Since childhood Michael had a strong sense of knowing that his body was not the same as those around him. He predicted he would experience the typical growth changes that never materialized which forced him to live in a society that links physical size to both self-assurance and masculine traits.
Ridicule became a part of his life for the first time at his high school. A female schoolmate shamed him that day and this proved to him that his life would forever change because of his difference.

His emotional wounds from these incidents turned out to be permanent. “I have had a couple experiences of having s3x and wasn’t able to get it in and everything,” he shared. “From there I just stopped trying to date and lost interest in it.”
His physical condition has significant effects on day-to-day life that most people would never anticipate. Public restroom use becomes a hard task because of his condition.
“You have to see it every time you go to the bathroom,” he explained. The bathroom visit becomes a complicated task because of this medical condition. I need to use the toilet seat because standing to urinate is impossible.
His everyday encounter with his urinary condition reinforces his feeling of being alone. The knowledge of his mismatched body form with social norms leads him to battle anxiety privately.

The experience led him to seek medical consultation during the early months of this year. A formal diagnosis provided him with an answer to his suspicions about his condition that he never truly understood before.
“I went to the doctor, and it was confirmed,” he said. The accepted medical procedures provided only marginal size enlargement despite the minimal treatment choices.
The medical procedures exist although they provide minimal size improvements according to him. The potential outcome of surgery raises doubts in his mind because a similar result will probably fall within current size parameters.
The obstacles of his condition have failed to stop Michael from insisting that his condition will not control his identity. His unexpected response to fighting the misconceptions included creating awareness through humor while using social media as his platform.
He has developed plans to obtain a Guinness World Record title. “I was actually looking to see if I could hold the record,” he said. Making something negative become positive is what I attempt here. I want to turn every situation into something positive therefore I should obtain a title if such opportunity exists.

Through his honest approach many individuals relate to him particularly because others lack visibility when discussing masculinity issues. Through his Instagram account Michael shares personal stories which provide a platform of emotional support to people dealing with equivalent circumstances.
According to Michael his observations show how men fail to meet unrealistic dimensions society imposes upon them. According to Michael Wyatt the social obsession with physical characteristics has led to untrue false beliefs which create unreasonable demands.
Size explains only part of the issue so people fail to grasp its true nature according to him. The media presents little to no illustrations of people who belong to small body types. The media lacks complete coverage about actual medical descriptions of microp3nis instead of using the term as a casual joke.
He intends to transform the widespread story about men with small p3nises. The medical intervention needs to be coupled with early detection according to him because people need to understand that microp3nis has clear medical implications.

“I think the biggest misconception is that if a guy has a small p3nis, he just has a small p3nis,” he explained. “More people need to be aware that there is a medical condition called microp3nis.”
Doctors classify microp3nis as an underdeveloped male genital due to the lack of necessary fetal testosterone. Medical detection of this condition at an early stage allows doctors to utilize hormone therapy in order to activate growth and enhance the treatment result.
He keeps a positive attitude even through everything he has faced. Through his storytelling he wishes for others to gain confidence in discussing their experiences.
The only consequence from struggling is self-inflicted harm according to his statement. “You can choose to be happy just being here in this great world we live in.”
His experience with dating has turned into a difficult process. Relationships have suffered due to the effect of his diabetes and he now avoids romantic pursuits because of it.
“It impacted relationships in the sense that while there may be women out there who are accepting, the process of explaining my situation to new people has left me avoiding dating altogether,” he admitted.

Being open about coping with a s3xual relationship and virginity proves to be my greatest challenge because I find the topic too embarrassing to share publicly.
Michael has learned that individuals meant to stay will eventually find him even though the path to his acceptance has been long. Real care between two people stands above physical size.
People have been curious for years to understand his way of dealing with this condition. The simple way he chooses to handle it is through acceptance.
Through his efforts to end the silence about microp3nis challenges he aims to help people embrace themselves enough to live without self-judgment.
Feature Image Credit: Michael Phillips