El Salvador contains Terrorism Confinement Center (CECOT) as its largest facility for imprisoned terrorists that occupies the Central American territory.
The facility was built to hold 40,000 inmates as President Bukele aggressively fought gang violence throughout El Salvador.
People have praised the security elements at the facility and simultaneously challenged its strict procedures since it opened its doors in 2023.
International rights organizations together with human rights advocates have frequently expressed worry regarding the deplorable living situations inside the prison complex.

The inmates at CECOT live under strict control because they hold very little individual freedom.
They must stay in their cells for 23 hours daily but receive only 30 minutes of allowed exercise time which exceeds any typical maximum-security protocol worldwide.
Outside world access is completely denied to inmates since they are not permitted to receive friends or family visits.
Prisoners find themselves unable to participate in rehabilitation programs since the facility lacks any reform initiative for inmates.

Cell conditions at the prison lack proper amenities which forces prisoners to use stainless steel cot beds without mattress protection or bedding.
The cell interior reaches heat levels up to 95°F (35°C) each day without proper ventilation which leads to unbearable heat conditions.
Security personnel who wear hoods continuously observe prisoners throughout each day from elevated guard stations to enforce harsh prison rules at all times.
The prison’s construction embraces two electrical fences and concrete walls as part of a security design that completely disables escape attempts.

Although the prison operations at CECOT expose prisoners to harsh circumstances it functions as the primary force in El Salvador to reduce violent crime rates.
The population of this fortress prison under President Bukele consists of more than 84,000 individuals who were arrested through his gang suppression efforts.
Backers of the president state that absolute measures have introduced stability and safety to their nation.
Human rights organizations have collected evidence showing death-related events combined with abusive conduct occurring in the prison system.
Cristosal which serves as an eminent rights organization has documented testimonies indicating detainee suffering from torture alongside improper medical services and dehumanizing treatment at security centers.

Statements about improper legal processes during Bukele’s emergency arrests have caused international organizations to raise their concerns.
The prison system in El Salvador exists in the midst of ongoing debate yet continues to be considered for a new role.
U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio revealed through a stunning agreement that the United States and El Salvador were partnering together.
The United States deportation agreement requires President Bukele to receive undocumented immigrants while disregarding their nationality.
The El Salvadoran correctional complex CECOT stands on the verge of receiving deportees from the U.S. government who will share accommodations with internationally notorious criminals.
The arrangement surpasses undocumented immigrants to include all categories of migrants.
President Bukele offers to accept dangerous criminal prisoners from the United States including both U.S. citizens as well as legal residents.

Under this arrangement American citizens convicted of serious crimes might end up being incarcerated in the prison system which media outlets have dubbed ‘the world’s worst prison’.
The proposal sparks multiple ethical problems and challenges legal boundaries because it would be a first to export American imprisoned citizens to foreign detention centers.
This action earns praise from those who support cost reductions in American prisons though human rights organizations express concern about upcoming violations.
The world recognizes CECOT as one of its most terrifying prisons as the facility prepares to receive new prisoners.
Feature Image Credit: Instagram/@realdonaldtrump and CanvaPro