As winter sets in, health authorities are highlighting a virus that has flown under the radar for many Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV).
The NHS has now provided new guidance stating that people should avoid close contact with individuals if they feel sign.
While earlier, various respiratory illnesses were believed to occur due to onset of seasonal changes, HMPV has been confirmed to be one of the agents responsible for these conditions. But it has not garnered the same recognition as other viruses, such as flu or COVID-19, for example.
The virus, albeit being recalcitrant, is generating knowledge application controversy about its effects on the health sector. Winter, also referred to as the ‘‘cold season’’ offers the right environment for respiratory viruses particularly HMPV.

What Is HMPV?
HMPV, identified in the Netherlands in 2001, is an RNA respiratory virus that causes infection in the upper respiratory tract.
Dropping from same viral family as most common colds, HMPV is usually mildly pathogenic in otherwise healthy people.
However the venom has a negative impact especially on those that are of the vulnerable groups which include; children, the elderly and people with disabled immune systems.
As per the World Health Organization or WHO, HMPV is a recognized virus which has its cyclic behavior that is why it can’t turn into a pandemic.
Signs and Symptoms

As you will discover shortly, the symptoms of HMPV are quite similar to those of the common cold and flu and this often leads …
Signs may be: Coughing, fever, a sore throat, nasal congestion or a runny nose, and body aches and headaches.
Usually the symptoms clear up on their own within one to two weeks. Although, it can have dreadful consequences in certain people.
In; high risk groups HMPV can lead to pneumonia, bronchitis, or bronchiolitis. These conditions involve coughing, lack of sufficient water, dizziness and breathing difficulties.
How HMPV Spreads

HMPV transmission is mainly through respiratory droplets by an infected person through vocalization such as coughing or sneezing or direct contact with infected individuals.
It can also be very easily transmitted through contact with surfaces that have the virus spread on them, and then touch one’s face, specifically the eyes, nose, or mouth.
Measures advocated to reduce the incidence include; washing of hands often and using a handkerchief when sneezing or coughing.
Refusing to attend social events and mass gatherings, and self-isolating when one experiences symptoms is also other ways to shield others.
NHS Recommendations

The NHS has urged people to be conscious of their health, and stay away from others when they exhibit the symptoms.
Dr. Conall Watson of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) asked people to practice caution, as they did before with other coronavirus variants.
”If you have flu-like symptoms including temperatures, coughs and feeling extremely weak and experiencing muscle aches, avoid contact with others particularly those who are more sensitive,” he advised.
They also recommend covering the face with a fabric mask when out in public and sneezing or showing other flu-like signs.
Is There a Need for Alarm?

There has been a upsurge of cases of HMPV in the recent past across the world but health authorities are warning people not to panic. The virus though a potential issue is not on the list of pandemics.
Speaking to the public, Dr. Andrew Catchpole, a virologist, opined that HMPV had minor changes and therefore the world would soon become more familiar to it.
“Pandemics are new diseases in the population, new viral diseases, such as Covid-19,” Catchpole said.
HMPV, on the other hand, has slow movements and is not as revolutionary as the virus, which cannot cause an outbreak worldwide.
Breaking the News

HMPV is actually seasonal and makes sense in that pattern rather than a new health threat making the rounds.
However, the NHS wants to avoid its spread especially in a season that is rife with other respiratory diseases such as flu.
Persons can help contain the spread of this new HMPV strain through following public health-measures such as washing of hands regularly and practicing precautions.
Even though the virus is not new, it has recently been in the spotlight, which is a good enough reason to remember to take care of health during the cold season.
Lastly, the specialists’ words give the overturned guarantee that HMPV, as much as it requires but cautious, is not the next global health crisis.
Feature Image Credit: (CanvaPro)