Following the UK ban on XL Bullies a range of new dog breeds began rising in popularity which changed the canine ownership landscape.
The official November 2024 ban on XL Bullies was announced but experts now claim another breed swiftly replaced it in popularity.
A dog breed recognized for massive strength and guarding tendencies continues to gather numbers much like its banned predecessor raising worry from behavioral experts and dog trainers.
The canine specialists have identified the new breed as even more formidable and challenging to handle than its predecessor resulting in serious concerns about responsible ownership.

The Rise of the Cane Corso
This Italian mastiff breed called the Cane Corso has become the main focus of canine expert discussions.
As a descendant of ancient Roman war dogs the Cane Corso served to hunt large animals and protect livestock throughout history.
Because of their agile intelligence and constant devotion these dogs remain desirable choices for guarding purposes.
Cane Corso males stand up to 28 inches tall at the shoulder and have a potential weight maximum of 110 pounds unlike their slightly smaller female counterparts.

Their powerful physique combined with wary behavior creates intimidating visual authority which demands cautious respect from others.
When family-trained properly Cane Corsos turn protective and loving toward their human family.
According to dog specialists proper socialization among puppies results in them blossoming into balanced adult companions.
Warnings from Experts and Growing Concerns
Experts warn about ownership dangers alongside Cane Corso rising popularity.
Rob Alleyne from the Canine Instructor Academy based in Suffolk reports an upward trend of Cane Corsos coming through their training programs.
He explains that inexperienced owners should avoid these dogs which need thorough training beginning when they are young.

According to Alleyne the Cane Corso resembles an XL Bully breed that’s been pumped up through steroids. Alleyne pointed out that the Cane Corso operates as lethal equipment but its popularity continues to rise.
In Alleyne’s opinion the prohibition of XL Bullies caused owners to seek out other unofficial dog breeds which ended up displaying more difficult behavioral traits.
We live through the same disaster whenever a breed goes through restrictions such as it happened to the Pit Bull Terrier. The outcome after Pit Bull Terrier was banned resulted in people adopting another even more threatening breed. During the Pit Bull Terrier ban people acquired breeds exceeding their danger level.
They just made a new one worse than the preceding one: the XL Bully,” Alleyne added.
As Dog Welfare Expert and Dog Control Lead for the RSPCA Dr. Samantha Gaines provided her opinion on the subject.

Both canine behavioral experts and owners recognize dog aggression as an intricate behavioral problem. Unfortunately, she stated that throughout our history dogs will continue to serve as weapons or tools of antisocial conduct.
According to her study canine aggression develops through traits beyond breed involving genetic makeup alongside environmental factors and social treatment by humans.
Gaines advocates for more substantial laws governing responsible dog ownership to stop new harmful events.
The legal case of a Cane Corso dog filed public safety concerns.
A shocking legal case put the risks associated with Cane Corso ownership prominently into public view.
A Cane Corso owned by reality television star Jack Fincham attacked two people separately and Fincham received a six-week jail sentence as an outcome.

Authorities issued a caution after the dog bit a runner’s arm in September 2022.
A second attack took place in June 2024 when Fincham ignored legal instructions to muzzle his Cane Corso and restrain it with a leash.
After his Cane Corso bit a woman’s leg Fincham suffered additional legal punishments.
The case demonstrates how large dog breeds with protective characteristics become dangerous if left uncontrolled.
Officials together with animal specialists demand stricter animal control laws for strong dog breeds to stop future attacks from taking place.
The Path Forward for Responsible Ownership
The increasing popularity of the Cane Corso highlights what owners of large protective breeds need to understand as responsible caretakers.
These dogs require proper training because they create management difficulties which become dangerous for owners alongside the public without it.

Public safety requires socialization programs combined with strict obedience training and strict adherence to safety standards according to experts.
Through training and ethical breeding practices owners can fulfill their roles more effectively according to Dr. Gaines without seeking powerful dog breeds for vanity reasons.
Aggressive behavior in dogs results from their genetics alongside the way owners trained them which she emphasized.
Authorities planning dog ownership controls will likely be under pressure while dangerous breeds debates carry on.
Current experts fear the Cane Corso may become the next XLabrador or XL Bully unless dog owners remain vigilant to avoid repeating history.
Feature Image Credit: (CanvaPro) (Instagram/@Jack Fincham)