The latest series from Netflix entitled Adolescence motivates deep discussions about virtual subcultures and their exclusive language communication patterns.
Through its story about teenage criminality the show investigates dangerous online communities before revealing their detrimental influence on users.
The investigation in Adolescence reveals that extremist organizations have turned ordinary emojis into new symbols with extremist purposes.
The most concerning insight reveals the hidden meanings behind harmless symbols which people outside the online communities cannot understand.

Internet-relevant literacy discussions and hidden threats in digital common usage have gained prominence due to this development.
Online communication depends heavily on emojis since these visual elements help people convey their immediate emotions and reactions and opinions.
Digital emotion symbols called emojis have developed into a common online terminology that all people from around the world can interpret.
The interpretations of digital symbols remain ambiguous since various online communities construct their own interpretations.

Online communities sometimes take control of emojis by adapting them into coded messages that non-community members have difficulty reading.
The modification of digital symbols has sparked worries about the simple transformation of regular language which enables expression of contentious and possibly dangerous concepts.
Through its Netflix episode narrative the story reveals how 13-year-old Jamie Miller faces arrest for killing his classmate Katie.
The production investigates multiple contributing factors behind this dark occurrence in addition to studying the criminal act itself.

The detectives investigating Jamie discovered a dark network of online hate forums which exposed radical extremist beliefs through their analysis.
The series uses ‘Adolescence’ as a platform to display the ‘manosphere’ which exists as a collection of online platforms which introduce young males to misogynistic values.
A disturbing aspect of the show shows how these extremist groups employ ordinary emojis to promote their extremist beliefs.
The ‘100’ emoji holds a positive meaning in digital communication which people typically use to express both agreement and enhance enthusiasm.

People typically use it to mean “100 percent” or “keeping it real.”
Law enforcement teams discovered that the incel society gives this emoji an opposite connotation during their online investigation in Adolescence.
The investigators in this series failed to comprehend Jamie’s online tracks before reaching a pivotal discovery point.
Research reveals that the community uses the ‘100 emoji’ as a symbolic representation of the ‘80/20 rule.’
A notion known as the ‘80/20 rule’ wrongly suggests that women have romantic interest in simply 20% of the male population.

Incels employ this theory to develop their fundamental condemnations against women because of their alleged romantic shortcomings.
The invalid belief system produces poisonous consequences in the process of radicalizing and angering young men who inhabit these digital platforms.
The original economic ’80/20 rule from the 1800s had no relevance to human relationships whatsoever.
Extremist groups use this concept as a foundation to promote their unsympathetic attitudes toward women despite its unintended use.
Knowledge disclosed in Adolescence has raised issues regarding the unspoken communication systems that operate in digital spaces.

The writer Jack Thorne recommends tightening social media regulations by drawing similarities with cigarette access freedoms.
Adolescence helps people think about essential digital safety issues and online awareness through its illumination of dark subcultural tendencies online.
Netflix streaming platform provides the opportunity for viewers to see how regular symbols can conceal dangerous communications within the series.
Feature Image Credit: (Netflix)