In September 2019 Loren Schauers from Great Falls who worked as an 18-year-old laborer faced a terrible experience. During bridge work near Wilsal Montana a dangerous situation developed which resulted in a catastrophic forklift accident.
Other motorists illegally rushed past Loren while he operated the forklift across the bridge. Illegal passing forced Loren to make two-finger driving near the edge of the bridge which had only one lane.
A hole opened up beneath his position which caused the forklift to fall 50ft through steep terrain. Just as Loren made an escape attempt from his falling forklift he discovered his leg trapped by the seatbelt.
The forklift completed numerous rotations before it collapsed atop Loren which broke his lower body and right arm while he remained trapped inside. Despite facing a horrifying event Loren retained consciousness until the end.

Medical personnel needed to make a tough judgment regarding his survival options. Loren had to choose between surgery known as hemicorporectomy and an imminent death.
During a hemicorporectomy surgical procedure doctors perform an amputation that removes everything below the waist which entails the pelvis along with both lower limbs and external s3xual organs. During the accident Loren sustained the loss of his right arm.
Looking back at his decision Loren observed “Choosing to be half amputated was simple because I faced either survival or death.” Loren’s need to live inspired all the people in his circle.
During his difficult recovery everything he needed Sabia his then-girlfriend stood by as his strong pillar of support at every step. Following their accident the bond between them strengthened because the couple had extended their commitment past their 18-month relationship.
Sabia explained Loren’s determination when she said events showed he had no intentions of leaving. His proclamation to doctors about his intent to endure made it clear if his body could only remain as head remains they would perform the surgery that protects his life.
Following his procedure Loren showed a powerful ability to adjust to his altered life situation. Loren and Sabia built a YouTube platform which accumulated more than 639,000 followers in their journey documentation.
Through their videos about personal life experiences and dreams they meet obstacles that inspire followers. Sabia disclosed their dreams for exploring the world together while beginning a family.

Their increased exposure led followers to ask them inappropriate and overstepping questions. People frequently wonder what methods they use to retain intimacy after Loren endured life-changing surgery.
Sabia responded directly by saying that because the inquiry crossed lines of respect we refuse to give an answer or hint toward one. Our life situations deserve privacy since they don’t grant others permission to ask these questions.
People consistently ask questions about what Loren’s excretory system looks like after his surgical procedure. Through a direct Q&A session on video Loren decided to address people’s curiosity head-on.
My pulled-out colon through a colostomy operation functions to allow me to poop. I can pee and fart due to bilateral nephrostomies because these tubes connect my kidneys to drainage bags.
As a vital part of Loren’s care staff Sabia makes daily colostomy bag changes possible. Aside from changing his colostomy bag she supports adjusting his grooming routines and other daily activities.
The bonding between them becomes stronger during tough shared experiences. Sabia explained their shared experiences together improved many parts of their relationship.
As people learn about the couple online they find fresh inspiration from their resilient love and bravery. Through difficult times Loren and Sabia concentrate on creating a meaningful life together.

Loren receives the same question more than any other which forms the central theme of their story. What determines how you keep living and maintain happiness even after major losses?
Loren delivers a response which maintains both simplicity and depth. What really mattered wasn’t the things I lost but my continuing existence in this world. I chose to live.”
Against unimaginable challenges people demonstrate profound power so their life journey displays resilience alongside extraordinary love and human spirit triumph. Loren Schauers demonstrates through their experience that hope remains possible amidst the darkest situations.
Feature Image Credit: (Instagram/ @loren.schauers)