Nutrition enthusiasts debate unconventional diets. The carnivore diet, one such approach which has attracted attention, is an example.
The celebrated podcast host and UFC commentator Joe Rogan tried this radical diet. In January 2020, he pledged to do a month of it.
The carnivore diet eliminates all plants foods. It sticks to animal derived products like meat, egg, fish and some dairy.
The aim of Rogan’s journey with this diet was to see what benefits one may reap from it. He also hoped to address weight concerns, which he weighed in at 205 pounds.
Rogan ate only animal based foods for 30 days. In fact, its diet consisted of grass fed beef, elk meat, eggs, vitamins, and fish oil.

Rogan documented the results online and they were transformative. ‘I lost 12 pounds and finally had consistent energy,’ he said.
Unlike most diets, Rogan did not experience energy crashes. “He also said his energy levels were completely flat the whole month.”
The diet didn’t just help Rogan lose weight, it also helped control his autoimmune disorder. Vitiligo causes white patches on skin to fill in, and that’s what Rogan saw.
Surprised how much the diet helped (and amazed that I hadn’t heard of it sooner!). “I feel as good as I ever have,” Rogan said.
Rogan was skeptical about the benefits to begin with, though, as is widely known. ‘I thought it was a wacko carnivore diet, and probably a bunch of nonsense.’
Rogan’s experiment showed how much extreme dietary changes can do. But there were also big challenges involved.

He had really bad digestive issues in the first two weeks. The diarrhea was intense and often totally unpredictable.
He gave a brilliant and funny description of what it had been like. “It’s like a rainforest mudslide overtaking a mountain road,” he quipped.
The bowels tested his resolve to keep going, he admitted. “This is not your normal diarrhea. It’s not regular diarrhea,” said Rogan.
It may be in part because there was little plant based foods and fiber. These kinds of diets can throw off your digestion and health, experts warn.
However there are risks involved with following a carnivore diet. Fruits, vegetables and grains should be eliminated which will lead to nutrient deficiencies.
High meat consumption can be harmful, warn health professionals as well. They also link eating too much red meat to cancer and heart disease.
However, Rogan pointed out the positives of it. It energized him, lightened him and gave him a better chance to handle his autoimmune condition.

It’s Rogan’s experience of the allure and pitfalls of extreme diets. Additionally, the monitoring of health impact is stressed.
The surprise in the diet is the most surprising outcome. But Rogan revealed his bowel troubles were so bad he almost crashed his experiment.
‘It feels inevitable, but I haven’t (had an accident) yet,’ he joked. Rogan made it a cautionary tale not just because of his candidness but also because his starred diet.
Ultimately, Rogan’s trial triggers important dietary questions. Benefits of extreme diets may be found, but at a price they are almost never at.
Readers are left wondering: would the benefits be worth the risk? Rogan doesn’t know if he will be able to stick with the diet long term.
His story for now is an inspiration and a warning. Its effects on the carnivore diet remain up for grabs.
Feature Image Credit: (YouTube/The Joe Rogan Experience)