During a recent Live with Kelly and Mark broadcast Kelly Ripa together with Mark Consuelos embraced an intense heartfelt discussion that strayed from their typical enjoyable segments.
The pair who demonstrated magic chemistry on-screen shared an intimate moment that brought tears to television audience members watching the program.
Ripa and Consuelos frequently expose their private lives to their audience by showing pictures of their family with their pets and their occupational achievements.
Television viewers consider them one of the most touchable couples because they interact meaningfully with each other.

Some subtle signs during recent weeks indicated that serious weight lingered in their lives.
People observing Ripa and Consuelos recently noticed their changed behavior which prompted many fans to voice messages of support on social media and online websites.
Ripa and Consuelos chose to keep the exact nature of their problems undisclosed to the public.
They handled personal hardships quietly at the same time they worked on their professional obligations.
Audiences displayed admiration because these stars showed the world that they managed to balance both their busy work schedule with their personal problems effectively.

They helped each other emotionally as they faced the situation while standing together as one team.
On a sad Wednesday morning the couple disclosed to the public their tragic experience that had made them suffer.
When their emotions were high they shared the news that their family faced a fatal loss.
The couple received the news about their 17-year-old pet dog Chewie passing from Mark Consuelos.
“We had to say goodbye to Chewie,” he shared, explaining that their loyal companion had been struggling with health issues for weeks.

Consuelos explained how Chewie refused to eat while struggling with heavy dehydration coupled with neurological problems.
He described the decision to say goodbye as “one of the toughest things we’ve had to do as a married couple.”
Kelly Ripa stood silently beside her husband as he expressed himself while both of them were emotionally overcome by the moment.
But when he reminisced about how Chewie had “grown up with our kids,” she could no longer hold back her tears.
“I’m really sorry. At this point Ripa believed she had expressed everything but her voice was shaking with emotion.

Credit: (Youtube/Entertainment Tonight)
The outcome of this situation deviated entirely from what I was intending. God, she gave us so much.”
She praised Chewie for the immense love and happiness that he had delivered to her family throughout their lives.
“As each one of our kids left for college, Chewie remained right there, like our steadfast companion,” she added.
Despite her grief, Ripa acknowledged how fortunate they were, saying she felt guilty crying when “there are much bigger problems in the world.”
The entire community showed their remembrance to Chewie by visiting before her death. All friends and neighbors and even the mail carrier paid their respects.
Ripa found a humorous touch in her sad moment as she remembered how Chewie had consistently guarded her face.
“She never let us kiss her face,” she said, before breaking down again.
“And after she passed away last night, I kissed her a thousand times on the face, I kissed her nose.”

Credit: (Youtube/Entertainment Tonight)
She must have been raging at dog heaven because of my indiscretion to kiss her face. I no longer minded because this moment stayed so pleasant that I didn’t care about anything else.
The show transitioned to the next segment while Ripa and the television viewers found comfort as Consuelos ended the segment.
“We’re going to get through it all together,” he assured his wife before continuing the show.
The touching adventure of the couple deeply touched television observers while showcasing the everlasting connection between humans and their pets.
Feature Image Credit: (Youtube/Entertainment Tonight)